If your company is in the digital marketing stage, or you've already filled the web with the existence of your brand, you're missing out if you don't use a marketing plan for content. The importance of providing a well-developed, insightful, written-out plan isn't just a top marketers concept or perspective-based opinion. It's the law of the world.
While often advertisers struggle to develop a content marketing strategy, we know the value of the strategy regarding strategies and plans. The all-important unifying force that should push and pull all elements of your content together, from the design of your landing pages to the experience customers have at your personal events.
There is one aim to this unifying power. If missing, what the company ends up with is a content marketing plan, not a method, no matter how many components and creative ideas involved. What's wrong when you have just one plan? Why does a marketing plan on content matter?
You're lacking the holistic opportunity of a strategy that gives marketers the power not just to accomplish targets but also to develop and develop as a brand. One thing top marketers understand is it's a constantly developing game. Consumer preferences, marketing patterns, emerging technology, changes in the economy, changes in culture. Everything just remains the same.
You can never keep up with a two-dimensional strategy, let alone remain ahead. You're constrained by a set of instructions that requires you to follow with a plan.
Only with the unbreakable chain inherent in a plan can the content marketing keep on developing and from now on. Essentially, it is unaffected.
Why You Need a Strategy for Content Marketing?
The way consumers buy today differs from how they made buying decisions 15 years ago. The biggest change is that consumers today do much of their buying research on their own, with many sources of knowledge, sometimes in actual time. According to Harvard Business Review, when a consumer reaches out to a salesperson their buying decision is almost 60 percent complete, sometimes having already shared their opinion on what they will buy.
In short, consumers are more educated, find knowledge on their own and use the internet more for research. If you haven't heard clients dislike marketing, they don't like the emails we're sending or the ads we're writing on brochures and other materials.
We have developed from living in an information economy where intelligence is the power of a time when information is a commodity. Arguably Starbucks and the iPhone have begun the economy of experience where UX and UI are a force. But even that is giving way to an economy of relationships where trust is strength. Trust in your values, integrity, knowledge and experience, deliverability, track record.